Favorite Websites

NAME URL Description
Fun Brain http://funbrain.com Educational Games
ABC Teach www.abcteach.com Games for all ages, puzzles, reading comprehension, reports, etc.
School Express www.schoolexpress.com Games, math word problems, beginning consonants, and an online store.
Mrs. Perkins http://www.mrsperkins.com/index.htm
Assessment Resource
A to Z Teacher Stuff http://AtoZTeacherStuff.com/lessonplans/ Lesson Plans for PreK to Grade 12
Pro Teacher http://www.proteacher.com/ Teaching Resource for K-6
The Idea Box http://www.theideabox.com/ Early Childhood Education and Activity Resources
Lesson Plans http://www.lessonplanspage.com/ Lesson Plans for PreK to Grade 12
Enchanted Learning http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Home.html Great Kid Site
Country Clip Art http://www.countryclipart.com/school.htm Clipart Site
Crayola http://www.crayola.com/ideas/index.cfm Fun Family Site
Education World http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/lesson057.shtml Lesson Plans
Scholastic http://www.scholastic.com/index.asp For Families, Kids, & Teachers
The School Bell http://www.theschoolbell.com/ Dolch Sight Word Resource
Carl's Corner


Wow!  Great Literacy Resource